From Weekly FYI section via The New York Times online, I read something very interesting about our NYC buses use high technology to keep air clean as possible. I am proud of the effort the NYC administration puts in toward cleaner environment in NYC...that's only a small nice picture among other not-so-nice pictures....litters, dirty subway and forth on. Hopefully, someday we will find renewable energy (such as water- or/and wind-powered, solar and forth on) in place in the city.
Sweeter-Smelling Bus
Q. Some city buses say "this bus uses clean air technology" on the back. I can say from biking behind buses that the technology seems to make a difference. What does it mean?
A. Less gunk in the exhaust. About 2,500 of the 4,500 buses in New York City Transit's fleet have been bought or repowered since 1998 with advanced fuels and equipment that keep nitrogen oxide to a low level, as well as soot and hydrocarbons, said John P. Walsh, chief maintenance officer for the agency.
Most of the fleet has been fitted with soot-catching exhaust filters, and the agency expects to equip the entire fleet by June 2005, he said. The fleet now has 454 buses that run on compressed natural gas and will add 60 by January. There are 18 hybrid diesel-electric buses in service, and the fleet has ordered 325. The hybrids use diesel engines to power batteries that run the wheels. Braking action also helps charge the batteries. In addition, all diesel buses use ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel, he said.