I am currently working on obtaining Certified Deaf Interpreter (CDI).
Workshops/Seminars/Conferences I attended so far:
21 April 2007 - International Sign Language Workshop presented by Bill Moody, CSC, CI, CT, through Metro NYC RID in New York City, New York USA
7-8 and 21-22 July 2007 - Pennsylvania CDI Training Initiative presented by Barbara Brinks, CDI, through PARID in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA
3-8 August 2007 - RID Conference in San Francisco, California USA
29 September 2007 - Preparing for the Written NIC Exam presented by Carol Tipton, CSC, CI, CT through NJRID in Fords, New Jersey USA
30 September 2007 - Preparing for the Performance NIC Exam presented by Carol Tipton, CSC, CI, CT through NJRID in Fords, New Jersey USA
11-14 October 2007 - Foundations of Court Interpreting presented by Carla M. Mathers, Esq., CSC, SC:L through COPD of NM in Albuquerque, New Mexico USA
9-11 November 2007 - Beyond the Standards: 1st series of 4 series - presented by Carla M. Mathers, Esq., CSC, SC:L, Betty Colonomos, MCSC, and Jan DeLap, CDI, through Massachusetts RID in Boston, Massachusetts USA
13-16 November 2007 - Touching Lives - Interpreting Techniques for the Deaf-Blind Population Seminar presented by Susanne Morgan-Marrow at HKNC (Helen Keller National Center) in Sands Point, New York USA
1-2 December 2007 - Evidentiary Foundations for the Court Interpreter presented by Carla M. Mathers, Esq., CSC, SC:L through BayFRID in Tampa, Florida USA
25-27 January 2008 - Beyond the Standards: 2nd series of 4 Series - presented by Carla M. Mathers, Esq., CSC, SC:L, Betty Colonomos, MCSC, and Jan DeLap, CDI, through Massachusetts RID in Boston, Massachusetts USA
31 January - 2 February 2008 - Foundations For Deaf Interpreters, Part II - presented by Betty M. Colonomos, MCSC, through NJ Division of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and NJRID in Trenton, New Jersey USA
28-30 March 2008 - Beyond the Standards: 3rd series of 4 Series - presented by Carla M. Mathers, Esq., CSC, SC:L, Betty Colonomos, MCSC, and Jan DeLap, CDI, through Massachusetts RID in Boston, Massachusetts USA
30-31 May & 1-June 2008 - Beyond the Standards: 4th series of 4 Series - presented by Carla M. Mathers, Esq., CSC, SC:L, Betty Colonomos, MCSC, and Jan DeLap, CDI, through Massachusetts RID in Boston, Massachusetts USA
23-24 August 2008 - Deaf-Blind Retreat Volunteer Interpreter Training & Orientation - presented by Aj Grande & Jelica Nuccio through Seattle Lighthouse in Seabeck, Washington USA
28-August 2008 - Deaf-Blind Presenter: Working with the Core Team - presented by Cherie Furtado through Seattle Lightouse in Seabeck, Washington USA
18 October 2008 - Deaf Hearing Interpreters in Courtroom Situations - Role Play - presented by Colleen Geier, MS.Ed. CI, CT through Illinois RID in Chicago, Illinois USA
25-26 October 2008 - Classifiers, Non-Manual Markers and Use of Space in Medical Interpreting - presented by Jim Lipsky, M.Ed, CDI, through Mill Neck Interpreting Services and Long Island RID in New Hyde Park, New York USA
8-9 November 2008 - NJRID Conference in Jamesburg, New Jersey USA
8 November 2008 - They have gun. What am I supposed to say? - presented by Adam Bartley, NIC:Master, SC:L, through NJRID in Jamesburg, New Jersey USA
22-November-2008 - How to Capture Your ASL Students with Hands-On Activities and How to Make a Syllabi and Develop Your Lesson Plans - presented by Sharon Lane, ASLTA Qualified, through New Jersey ASLTA in Rahway, New Jersey USA
27 February 2009 - Community Forum on Deaf & Hearing Interpreters: DIRC meeting - hosted by NYC Metro RID Professional Development Committee in New York, New York USA
28 February 2009 - Teaming and Partnership: Deaf and Hearing Interpreters - presented by Mary Darragh MacLean and Eileen Forestal, RSC, through New York City Metro RID in New York, New York USA
10 March 2009 - What's After "R for Deaf Interpreters"? - presented by Betty M. Colonomos, MCSC, through University of South Maine in Portland, Maine USA
2-Apr-2009 - I received a confirmation letter from RID saying that I passed written CDI exam. I plan to take CDI performance exam when I am ready.
25-Oct-2009 - Beyond CPC - presented by LeWana Clark, CSC, CI, CT, SC:L, through New Jersey RID in Ewing, New Jersey USA
6-March-2010 - Working in New Jersey Courts: Protocol - presented by Linda Lamitola, SCS SC:L and Carla Goldsmith, CI, CT SC:L, through New Jersey RID in New Brunswick, New Jersey USA
7-November-2010 - Toward Effective Practice: Competencies of the Deaf Interpreter - presented by Eileen Forestal, RSC, through New Jersey RID in Iselin, New Jersey USA
10-15-June-2011 - Advanced Deaf Interpreter Training - presented by Eileen Forestal, RSC, Gino Gouby, CDI & CLIP-R, Debbie Peterson, CDI, Ritchie Bryant, CDI, and Laura Thomas, through Texas DARS (Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services) in Big Spring, Texas USA
27-28-October-2011 - Ethical Decision Making: It’s All About Me – presented by Holly Warren-Norman, IC/TC, TCDHH:IV, through Austin Interpreters for the Deaf in Austin, Texas USA
7-February-2012 - ASL phraseology: The mini version – presented by Lisa Gelineau, MS, through Austin Interpreters for the Deaf in Austin, Texas USA
14-March-2012 - Understanding the ADA & Its Implications on Interpreting – presented by Christopher Tester, CDI, through NYC Metro RID and Deaf-Blind Training, Interpreting and Professional Development via webinar USA
20-21-April-2012 - Performance: Think Nothing? - presented by Debbie Peterson, CDI, through Arizona Association for the Deaf and Arizona Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Phoenix, Arizona
6-10-August-2012 - Mental Health Interpreter Training Program - presented by Mental Health Interpreter Training Program Leadership Staff and Presenters, Alabama Depart of Mental Health: Office of Deaf Services, Montgomery, Alabama
10-August-2012 - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) - presented by Roger Williams, LCSW, through Alabama Department of Mental Health: Office of Deaf Services, Montgomery, Alabama
Study Group I participated so far:
Summer 2007 - NIC/CDI Written Study Group (http://signs-of-development.org)
Spring 2008 - Preparation for RID Written Exam online course via University of South Maine, USA
Spring 2008 - NIC Study Group in Brooklyn, New York USA
Study Group I formed (anyone is welcome to participate for free): http://dilbretta.blogs.com/cdi
Volunteer Work I Participated:
24 August - 30 August 2008 - Volunteer Interpreter/SSP (Special Service Provider) for Deafblind campers at Seabeck Deaf-Blind Retreat in Seabeck, Washington USA
22 July - 2 August 2009 - Volunteer International Interpreter for World Outgames in Copenhagen, Denmark
23 August - 29 August 2009 - Volunteer Interpreter/SSP (Special Service Provider) for Deafblind campers at Seabeck Deaf-Blind Retreat in Seabeck, Washington USA
April - October 2010 - Volunteer SSP for Deafblind hiker on Appalachian Trail, USA - completed 1,107 miles out of 2,181 miles - (http://atdeafblinddream.wordpress.com)
January 2011 - Volunteer SSP for Deafblind client in Kathmandu, Nepal. We worked collaboratively on establishing a Deafblind and SSP programs for Deafblind and Deaf community.
April - June 2011 - Volunteer SSP for Deafblind hiker on Appalachian Trail, USA - completed 1,539 miles of 2,181 miles - (http://atdeafblinddream.wordpress.com)
19-22-June-2011 - Volunteer SSP/Deafblind Interpreter for Deafblind delegate for AADB (American Association of the Deaf-Blind) National Symposium - Fort Mitchell, Kentucky USA
14-15-July-2011 - Volunteer Team International Sign Interperter for WASLI (World Assocation of Sign Language Interpreters) Conference - Durban, South Africa
18-24-July-2011 - Volunteer SSP/Deafblind Interpreter for Deafblind participatant for XVI World Congress of the WFD (World Federation of the Deaf) - Durban, South Africa
April - July 2012 - Volunteer SSP for Deafblind hiker on Appalachian Trail, USA - completed 1,925 miles out of 2,181 miles - (http://atdeafblinddream.wordpress.com)
Organization or Chapters I am Member of:
RID - associate member since 2007
Metro NYC RID - associate member since 2008
Long Island RID - associate member from 2008 - 2009
New Jersey RID - associate member since 2008
WASLI - associate member since 2011
Deafblind Interpreting Committee - WASLI - committee member since 2011
Austin Interpreters for the Deaf - associate member since 2011
Texas Society of Interpreters for the Deaf - associate member since 2011
Thanks for sharing. Is it OK if I will use your some words and idea in my website in the future? Thank you for your valuable information. I am a newbie internet blogger. I am always expecting new info soon.
Posted by: Volunteer in Kenya | 14 June 2011 at 12:41
It is ok for you to use some of my words and ideas as long as you refer them to my name and my blog website. Thanks.
Posted by: Roni | 16 June 2011 at 11:56
How do I get started? So many have told me I should go for CDI, but I just don't know where to even start.
Posted by: Jaime | 13 October 2011 at 05:39
Hi Jaime,
Where do you live? You can check out RID's website for CDI workshops being offered.
Posted by: Roni | 02 December 2011 at 09:40